sooo this weekend was super fun!! friday, me and pandy saw Eagle Eye, omgosh! it was amazing!! haha totally intense, like all my fingernails were gone haha you were like on the edge of your seat the entire time hahaha :D you definitely should go see it! :]
the World of Dance Tour was absolutely amazing! the only crappy and frustrating part was getting down there cuz we got totally lost try to get there.. damn MapQuest doesn't help for anything.. like we ended up in Fremont on 880, when we were suppose to be on 680.. soo confusing and it didn't help since my mom was getting hella pissy and frustrated while made me get hella frustrated and mad. uhgggghh but we finally got there at like 4pm, luckily the dancing didn't start until 4:30pm. we were soo lucky, cuz the dance arena was packed! so we had to stand for the first couple dances, then we moved closer on the wall to the stage and these people left in the front row at the end, so we got to get front row seats off to the side, it was awesome haha the youth division was hella good :D Anthony Shaboobs Project was amazing, he's such an awesome dancer, and i know his sister from my Astronomy class :] after the youth division, there was a popping battle showcase which was pretty good, freakin the girl popper, Pandora, was amazing!! omgosh haha :D like she was hella good! then the did the awards for the youth division. so after that me and pandy went to go check out the bboy arena, when i ran into Beenish, who is Anthony Shaboobs sister which was pretty cool cuz i didn't think i'd see her since there was like 6,000 people there haha :] we went back to get money to get money to buy dinner from my mom, then me and pandy went to get dinner, which was garlic fries and lemonade.. the garlic fries weren't that good at all for $5 hahaha after we got it all, we went back to see the upper division. oh man, sooo many good dancers and crews! it was hella awesome :D i absolutely loved the projects, like the James Brown Project and David Ross Project, they were unbelievably good! then me and pandy went to get our World of Dance teeshirts for $20 and came back to see the popping battle showcase again haha :] then the bboy special tricks final came on and Knuckleheads won! woot haha finally it was the end of the show, and it was the ABDC special were Fysh N Chicks, Kaba Modern, and Supreme Soul got to dance. it was absolutely amazing!! i love Supreme Soul!! :D they were absolutely amazing!! and it was the first time were all 10 of them danced together :] haha then after that, they did the awards for the upper division. the whole show was amazing, i totally can't wait for next year!! :] haha soo on the way back, we got lost again and ended up in San Francisco and had to figure out how to get to the Golden Gate Bridge.. it was insane hahaha :D we even got McDonalds on the way home at like 1am haha but we finally got home around 2am :] it was freakin crazy but totally fun at the same time :]
anyways, i posted hella pictures from the WOD tour on my myspace, so check em out, oh and here are the videos i took that i put into a movie video:
kks, gotta get ready for dance class at 7-9pm.. later <3
Nice denise you did a long one too, we just needed to vent it all out, haha. anyway, i had alot of fun, after all that happened, next time we will just take ourselves, haha.
lmao yah :D lmao! seriously!! my mom was just too much lol :D
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