and next semester i am reminding myself to not do 3 classes in one day.. it's ridiculous haha like it's super tiring and just yeah, saw a couple people i didn't expect to see lol
but it's all good i guess.. today i had my first actual exam in astronomy and it was ok.. i mean, i probably got a B, some of the questions were like wtf.. haha and i got out like 30 mins early from astronomy cuz we could leave after we were done. then my mom picked me up like 10 mins later and we went to get ice cream and waked around the mall and whatnot until i had to go to my next class. drawing&composition was good.. just worked with color pastels, which are super messy and crap lol then i had about an hour to kill, so i sat outside and sketched and ate a sandwich.. then went to the classroom like at 4:30 and kept sketching until 5:15 when the class starts.. i swear that class is way too long.. fun tho, just uggh at the end of the day haha :D but yeah, i'm here with a sore butt and feeling all old and sheet lol
i've been so busy, that i haven't even started my "Disturbia" music video yet.. so bad :p hopefully i'll start working on it soon haha OHH! and me, pandy, and my mom are going to the World of Dance Tour in Alameda on Sept. 27th! i'm soo excited haha Super Cr3w is gonna be battling, at least that's what the website says :D and freakin hella awesome crews will be there & Gabriel Francisco [a hella awesome choreographer] is gonna be judging in the dance arena :D i can't wait!! ^__^ wooot! haha
so yeah, i'm here watching music videos :P that's all i've been watching since i got cable in my room haha there's like soo many channels, i can never decide what to watch hahaha :D i'm lamee lol
i'll ttyl, byees <3
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