mmk, i know you guys have probably wondering about the music video i am making ["Disturbia"].. well i've done two characters so far.. i only need to do like 4 more i think.. we'll see haha but yeah, it's going good so far :] haha so be prepared to watch it in october sometime, november at the latest lol
omgosh, college is crazy haha drawing/art classes are wipping me out.. like every tuesdays and thursdays i've got to be in that "drawing/creative" mood from 1-8:45pm.. i mean, it kills my brain.. i have such a bad migraine headache yesterday night in my last class.. soo hard to concentrate. next tuesday, i'm gonna make sure to take asprin with me to class. damn creativeness is painful lol :D
but yeah, there is some updates for now :]
OH! i got my Obama teeshirt today!! soo happy haha
i'm wearing it right now lol :] woooot!! VOTE OBAMA FOR '08!!!!
mmk, gonna go chill before i leave :D
ttyl <3 byeees
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