a. packing my bags for vacation [we're leaving saturday morning but my mom wants me to pack now]
b. cleaning my room [such a mess and it's gotta look nice once i get back]
c. folding my clothes [a huge big pile]
haha yeah.. and i probably have to do more things, just i really don't want to think about them lol i hate procrastinating, but i've always done it and probably will keep doing it for years to come hahhaha :D anyone have a cure?
anywhoo, i'm gonna see if i can go try to pa.. omgosh, what is that smell!? popcorn!!!! O.O oh& i also get distracted easily.. this should be very interesting.. wish me luck :D haha
laterz <3
yeah Denise get that distraction and procrastination under control. haha even at wally world you did it, you sucked me in too, lol. What you should do for yourself is write a list that way you can keep yourself in check. thats what im doin. anyway, ttyl bye!
lol :D i did hahahahaha it's crazy, i have like ADD or something lol :] yeah! i should lol i got everything packed tonight.. i should make a list just in case tho lol :O oh yeah, i need to bring cds, my ipod charger!! oh crraappp, yup.. i'm making a list lol :D
ttyl <3
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